Great Birth Changes

This is a blog emcompassing all of the positive changes that are happening in the birthing world. P

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Explosion of Prenatal Yoga in San Diego

San Diego has seen a dramatic increase in prenatal yoga classes in the last 4 years. This is great news, as a new research study published in the April 2005 Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine concludes that prenatal yoga improves birth weight, and reduces prematurity and overall complications.

Cesarean Awareness Year declared in New Jersey

New Jersey has the highest C-section rate in the country. However, with Mercer County declaring this year as Cesarean Awareness Year, I think we will start to see that rate decrease steadily.

I predict a trend in more vaginal births after meeting so many of the wonderful ladies who belong to the New Jersey chapter of ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network). With their positive and upbeat attitudes, I know we can expect to see a lot of postive changes in the state very soon.

New Jersey ICAN members are petitioning the governor to declare a Cesarean Awareness Year for the entire state.

Thank you Tonya Jamois, President of ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) for this information. See the ICAN webstite at

Friday, May 20, 2005

NM birth network is making a difference

The Albuquerque Birth Network is hosting monthly Birth Talk meetings. Birth Talk is a free monthly community gathering for all who want to watch birth videos, tell and hear birth stories, and benefit from the wisdom of others' personal experiences of giving birth. For expectant and experienced mothers and fathers, and birth professionals.

(Sheri's note: This is such a great way to help expectant parents. I hope that other birth networks think about creating a Birth Talk meeting. It is so important to tell positive, inspirational stories and teach women how to feel empowered, no matter what kind of birth they have.)

Monday, May 16, 2005

Good Birth Stories - new trend?

Last week I presented at a conference in San Diego called "Reclaiming Choices in Childbirth." This conference was put together by Birth Resource Network, International Cesearean Awareness Network, and the California Association of Midwives.

Several speakers had the same message: we need to start telling positive birth stories. This was interesting because the speakers hadn’t discussed this or even spoken to one another before the conference. It seems to be a mass-consciousness idea.

Submitted by Sheri Menelli, author of Journey into Motherhood: Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth. To contact Sheri e-mail or call 760-431-2228.

Send your content/news

We need your help. If you know of positive changes that are happening in the birthing community around your town, state, country or the world please send it to us at

Do you know of an incredible hospital? Is there a new birth center opening? We want to know about it and help spread the word.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Goodbye Unnecessary Episiotomies!

This kind of news makes me smile! We can say goodbye to routine episiotomies now!

According to an article published in the Washington Post on May 4, 2005, research now shows that routine episiotomies have no benefit and actually cause more complications, according to the most comprehensive analysis to evaluate the practice.

"Contradicting the long-accepted rationale for the procedure, called an episiotomy, the analysis found that it increases the risk of tissue tears, leading to more pain, more stitches and a longer recovery after childbirth. In addition, an episiotomy increases the risk of sexual difficulties later and does not reduce the risk of incontinence, the federally sponsored study found.

As a result, the researchers concluded, routine use of the procedure undergone by more than 1 million U.S. women each year should be discontinued, and the incision should be considered only to speed delivery when the health of the baby is at risk."

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Libraries benefiting from knowledgeable doulas

Doulas and childbirth educators around the country are helping libaries to improve their childbirth collections.

These doulas and childbirth educators have come up with a list of books that they think every preganant woman should have access to. They have found that most of the acquision libaririans just don't have the expertise they need to build a great collection of birth-related material, so they are providing a list of great books to the libaries.